
for your health

Get the best for your health, in only one package!
With medigenome™ you can have the 4 health reports of nowgenome™, in a single package, to have a 
360° view of your health:
healthgenome™+ oncogenome™+ carriergenome™+ farmagename™ 

From a saliva sample, easily collected at home with our sampling kit and sent to our labs, we extract your DNA, we genotype it, we obtain the list of over 700,000 variants that characterize you and distinguish you from each other individual, and we process the data obtained, together with the information provided by you, to create your 4 health reports. 

And, if you have already purchased another nowgenome report™, or if you own your raw data provided by another personal genomics company such as 23andme,, FTDNA, MyHeritage, 24Genetics and others, you do not have to repeat the lab test and to collect saliva: we analyze your already available data to generate the 4 medigenome™ reports!


a complete package for your health

healthgenome™+ oncogenome™+ carriergenome™+ farmagenome

you can find the detailed features of each report
by visiting the dedicated pages

Find out your risk profile for over 50 complex multi-factorial diseases, which depend on the interaction of multiple genes and non genetic factors such as age, diet, lifestyle and exposure to environmental or risk agents.

Obtain personalized recommendation and with your doctor's help, act on modifiable factors in order to reduce and manage your overall risk.

go to healthgenome™

Find out your genetic risk to develop most of the more common cancer and, if necessary, perform specific follow-up tests with the aim of developing a preventive action plan.

If hereditary pathogenic variants are present, in fact, it increases the risk of developing cancer in your lifetime; knowing that is useful because it allows the implementation of screening strategies or risk reduction options through lifestyle modification or the use of therapies.

go to oncogenome™

Find out the presence, in your DNA, of mutations that while not causing illness for you, can be transmitted to your children, who may be sick instead, or that your children may in turn transmit: protect the health of your family.

carriergenome™ is a very useful report always, and in particular if you and your partner are planning to have children.

go to carriergenome™

Find out how your body metabolizes and answers to more than 150 drugs in common use; find out which effectiveness these drugs can have for you, whether a higher or lower dose than the standard dose is recommended for you, if you are particularly at risk to developing some side effects, or developing unfavorable interaction between a given drug and others, if it is favorite, for you , not to take a certain drug.

go to farmagenome™

Find out your genetic risk of developing breast and ovarian cancers, and if necessary, perform specific
follow-up tests in order to develop a preventive action plan.

If there are inherited pathogenic variants, in fact, the risk of developing breast and ovarian cancers during your life increases; being aware of it is useful as it allows the implementation of screening strategies or risk reduction options through targeted follow-ups, lifestyle changes or the use of therapies.

Furthermore, knowing the presence of one or more mutations also allows to establish the risk
of transmission to offspring.

go to oncogyngenome™

raw data

in addition to your report, you will receive the raw data of your DNA, the list of the 700,000 personal variants detected, in a standard format, which can be used to obtain further reports in the future, also from other personal genomics companies

keep them forever!

210,00 €
with kit and genotyping

in addition to medigenome™ report, you receive your raw data, which you can use in this or future orders to purchase additional reports without paying genotyping costs!
you can also use the raw data with other personal genomics companies

medigenome™ report only
79,00 €
if you already have your raw data

if you have already purchased, in this order or in the past, other nowgenome™ tests with genotyping, or if you have your raw data provided by another personal genomics company such as 23andme,, FTDNA, MyHeritage, 24Genetics and others, you do not need to repeat the lab test:
we can analyze your already available raw data to elaborate the medigenome ™ report,
and you can save money!

do you want more?

here are some recommended options

totalgenome™ package

nutrigenome™ + sportgenome™ + allergenome™ + beautygenome™ + intelligenome™
+ healthgenome™+ oncogenome™+ carriergenome™+ farmagenome™

in order to obtain a complete package for your health 

go to totalgenome™ package

find out here all the nowgenome™ test

find out all the test

or, choose

with exploragenome™, you can get endless information about all your genes, forever,
with a single test!

discover exploragenome™

nowgenome™ powered by

innovagenome S.r.l.
single shareholder company

VAT number and C.F.: IT04179840980
REA: BS 594677

company subject to management & coordination by
nico innovagroup S.r.l., a  single shareholder company
start-up established pursuant to art. 4 paragraph 10 bis D.L. 24 January 2015, n. 3
and registered in the special section of the company registry as an innovative start-up

© Copyright 2020-2022  Tutti i diritti sono riservati Data ultima modifica: 24/06/2022
Privacy Policy    Cookie Policy   Terms of Service

nowgenome™ is a service for DNA genotyping, bioinfomatic analysis of the data obtained and fort the interpretation of the gene variants detected by software and artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms.
None of the information provided are intended to help in the diagnosis of diseases and/or to indicate possible therapies.

The information contained on this website and in related websites are intended to improve, not to replace, the  relationship between patient and doctor.
 If you think you're sick, consult a doctor. A doctor should always be consulted before making any medical or clinical decisions on the basis of the reports provided.

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